B & M Scientific joins Project Peace

B & M Scientific joined forces with BruinChild Media to help the Kuils River community take back the streets during a peace march through Serepta. The event aimed to raise awareness about gender-based violence and declare that enough is enough.

Organiser Alex Cupido explains: “The reality is that we are losing the battle against GBV. In many cases, gangsterism, and alcohol and drug abuse are at the route of the issue.”

Ex-convicts led the march wearing prison overalls with their hands in chains to show the youth what the future could hold if they truly followed in their footsteps.

Members of Warriors For Change in Kuils River

The members of Warriors For Change lined the street holding messages, one read: “It hurt when you made me a woman when I was still a child.”

Founder Shaundre Lottering said she started the movement because she was gang raped by six men for three days. She relied on drugs to numb the emotional scars left behind and after police turned her away she told no one else of the incident for ten years.



Shaundre says that her trauma is the reason why she is so passionate about helping others: “I started Warriors for Change to empower other women.

After the march ex-prisoners and former drug addicts stepped on stage to share their stories and the community was treated to inspiring performances by local rappers.

Cupido says that as a former drug addict he was imprisoned in a world and he only escaped due to his mother’s prayers.

He explains: “I want to help others find a way out. There is hope for a better life after drugs and crime”.

B &M Scientific owner Majid Hargey said it was an honour to support and sponsor such a life-changing event.

“When we work together as businesses we can help and reach more people,” said Mr. Hargey.

Denver Thomas with resident Jonathan Botha

This is the second time B & M Scientific has joined Project Peace. The first event took place in Mitchells Plain and resident Jonathan Botha said he is now off drugs, his wife is sober and his family is restored, thanks to the initiative.

“On Youth Day, I was still high on drugs but I heard Alex them are doing a project on Poppy Field. I just went there to listen but I started to feel compelled to change my life. Project Peace has the potential to change lives, like it did mine.”




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